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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Some Like it Cool

Photo taken from:
Courtesy of Kathleen Kokolus and Sandra Sexton

I’m writing this blog entry as a dedication to a close family friend who I recently found out is in her 4th stage of colon cancer. Cancer is a very painful thing to happen to anyone – not just to the patient but to his/her family and friends as well. As of press time, the cure to cancer has yet to be discovered.

Researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., found out that mice kept at lower temperature developed more cancer tumors than those kept at higher temperature.  (See main article here: A batch of mice was kept at about 22.5°C and another separate batch kept at a temperature raised to 30.5°C. The batch of mice kept at a warmer temperature developed fewer tumors, their cancer cells grew more slowly and were unlikely to develop more tumors throughout the body. It was suspected that cold room temperatures mess up the immunity of the test mice and thus had fewer killer T cells, a type of white blood cell. Also, cells known to partially turn off immunity were found in higher numbers in the tumors in those housed in colder temperatures.

While this new discovery only aids in minimizing the tumors and the development of more cancer cells, it still doesn’t eliminate cancer totally. Another study conducted at the University of Alberta (see article here: suggests a link between pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and cancer. 

Dichloroacetate (DCA) was also found to shrink solid tumors, including the aggressive primary brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme in humans. It has been proven to reverse cancer growth. The drug tricks cancer cells into normal energy production by changing the ways they handle nutrient fuels. This causes the cancer cells to “self-destruct” without harming other cells in the body. Many researchers around the world have confirmed the validity of the research study conducted by the University of Alberta. Disputes over public funding vs biased industry ties are seen to be suppress known cures that won’t make them profit. 

Through the years, extensive research and efforts have been put up to develop a cure for cancer. Billions of money and time are continuously being invested, but issues concerning culture and religion among others as well as lack of support from the medical industry hamper the development for a cure.

I am positive and I feel hopeful that a cure for cancer is on its way very soon.

by Audrey Raposa


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